2024-2025 Cadet Head Counselor’s Information To-Do Check List:
Calvinist Cadet Corps Requires:
Completed Cadet Club Registration Form,
Updated & signed Cadet Counselor list,
$75.00 Check payable to: "Calvinist Cadet Corps"
Send above 3 documents to Calvinist Cadet Corps at 4695 44th St SE, Suite B-130, Kentwood, MI 49512 before October 15, 2024.
With these 3 documents submitted to Calvinist Cadet Corps, your club will receive 8 Quest magazines and 20 logons to the CADET-ZONE website
Grand Rapids Cadet Council Requires $9 per person in your cadet club as DUES (counselors and cadets) (payable to: “GR Cadet Council”) with a maximum amount of $450 to be paid on or before the second Tuesday in December (12/10/2024).
The money from the DUES is mainly used to pay the insurance and maintain the Campground of GR Cadet Council.
Any club not paying DUES by the second Tuesday of December shall be penalized.
Give or mail you Club DUES (payable to: “GR Cadet Council”) to Steve Boer, the Grand Rapids council treasurer: 836 Mayhew Wood Dr, SE,Grand Rapids, MI 49507.
Calvinist Cadet Corps also requires an Offering each year:
Each church with a Cadet club is required to take one church offering per year specifically for the Calvinist Cadet Corps.
This offering amount is to be sent to Corps office before the end of May each year, payable to: "Calvinist Cadet Corps".
Make sure the offering is clearly marked "Corps Offering" to avoid confusion.
Send this offering to Calvinist Cadet Corps at 4695 44th St SE, Suite B-130 Kentwood, MI 49512.
Corps Offering is due by June 1. Any church / club not paying by August 1, shall be billed $160.00.
Other Council information:
Council Supplies: Supplies can be purchased through the Quartermaster, Joe Knol (text 616-648-8339 or josephknol@gmail.com) Please text or email what item numbers you or your club would like. Orders can be picked up at 3044 Maple Villa Dr, SE, GR 49508 (Joe’s home) or at Counselors' meetings. Give or mail supply’s payment to Steve Boer, the Grand Rapids council treasurer: 836 Mayhew Wood Dr, SE,Grand Rapids, MI 49507. "GR Cadet Council”.
Council Pine Wood Derby Cars: Price for registered Cadet Clubs is $5 per car kit this year. Cars kits may be purchased through text 616-648-8339 or josephknol@gmail.com Joe Knol. Orders can be picked up at Joe’s condo (3044 Maple Villa Dr, SE, GR 49508) or at Counselors' meetings. Give or mail payment to Steve Boer, the Grand Rapids council treasurer: 836 Mayhew Wood Dr, SE,Grand Rapids, MI 49507. "GR Cadet Council". Price of cars, is $5 each which includes handling.
Grand Rapids Cadet Council Clubs owns a 150 acre campground in Allegan County.
Each club is part owners of this property and has camping site, available for your club to camp at any time for free.
There is a two-level Council Cabin with a bunch of bunks, 2 kitchens and heat, may be use for a reasonable fee.
Council Cabin Reservations: Reservations for the building can be made through Will Brock (698-6393) (eileenbrock98@gmail.com).
Reservations are on a first come first serve basis after October 1.
Reservations by non-Cadet or non-Tri-Council groups can't be made until November 1.
Send payment to Will Brock: 6825 Aleda St SE, Cutlerville, MI 49508 payable to: "GR Cadet Council".
Please make sure that all rules (under campground on menu) are followed when using the cabin.
Building Instructions, Campground Rules, and Camp-site Guideline can be found at our website grcadets.org under side bar heading of “Campground”.
GRAND RAPIDS CALVINIST CADET COUNCIL CAMPGROUND ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT FORM must be completed by the Head Counselor required by Brotherhood Insurance Company
Rate for Clubs that work at the campground work bee:
Whole building: $120
Lower floor: $50
Upper Floor: $80
Rate for Clubs that don't work at the campground work bee:
Whole building: $200
Lower floor: $80
Upper Floor: $120
Rate for Non-Tri-Council-Cadet Clubs or other church youth groups and etc: Whole building: $250
Camping is FREE in the campground area as long as your club paid their DUES
Completed and Summits to josephknol@gmail.com a “Participation Agreement: found at our website grcadets.org under side bar heading of “CAMPGROUND”.
Lock combinations are needed to enter the property and building. Contact Will Brock for combinations, contact information above.
Council Canoe Rental: Reservations for and rental of the canoes is done through Joe Knol, josephknol@gmail.com (616-648-8339) Cost is $8.00 per canoe. Send payment to the Treasurer: Joe Knol, 3044 Maple Villa Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 payable to: "Grand Rapids Cadet Council". Life Jackets are NOT included with the canoes. EVERYONE MUST WEAR A LIFE JACKET OR VEST WHEN USING THE CANOES!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! Canoe paddles and cushions are in the Shed at the campground at the West end of the large field. All equipment must be returned immediately after use. Any damage will be repaired at the discretion of the Board and paid for by the club responsible for the damage. Please do not cut the wires on the trailer if you do not have the correct hook up. The canoes will NOT be rented to non-Cadet groups!
Note: both trailers of 7 canoes each are at Council Campground. Ask Joe Knol (616-648-8339) for the combination to the cable locks and to the shed for the cushions & paddles.
Grand Rapids Cadet Council Board members at this time are:
Ron Hofman - President - 616-498-3517 - hofbunch@yahoo.com
Scott Machiela - Vice President - 616-291-9016 - smachiela24@hotmail.com
Steve Boer - Treasurer - 616-776-1717 - steve_mail_2000@yahoo.com
- Secretary
Harold Diedering - Congressman - 616-217-1889 - diedering@att.net
Joe Knol - DCE Leader, Webmaster, Quarter-Master - 616-648-8339 - josephknol@gmail.com
- Counselor at Large
Grand Rapids Cadet Council Events: See our website grcadets.org under side bar heading of Event Calendar
Calvinist Cadet Corps
Grand Rapids Calvinist Cadet Council is part of The Calvinist Cadet Corps and their website is: calvinistcadets.org
The Calvinist Cadet Corps has launched two (2) more great websites: counselor.calvinistcadets.org is for Cadet Counselors only and cadetzone.org is for your RPB Cadets. I encourage you all to check them all out.
The next International Camporee is July of 2026 in Alberta.
CONGRESS is a group of elected counselors called Congressmen, who are the deciding body of the Calvinist Cadet Corps which meets the first full weekend in January in the Grand Rapids area. You are welcome to attend as a visitor anytime during the weekend. Watch the Newsletters or grcadets.org for times and location.
Proposals to change or better the Calvinist Cadet ministry may be submitted by any counselor and will be decided on at Congress. Send proposals to GR Cadet Council Congressmen Harold Diedering (diedering@att.net) by March 1 for Board approval to be sent on to Corps by June 1 each year.
Camping is FREE in the campground area as long as your club paid their DUES and summits a completed Participation Agreement found at our website grcadets.org under side bar heading of “CAMPGROUND”. Gate combination is needed.
Lock combinations are needed to enter the property and building. Contact Will Brock for combinations, his contact information above.