Camping is free in the campground area. Please copy and paste below form into an email, fill in the blanks on the email and send it to
Lock combinations are needed to enter the property and building . Contact Will Brock for these combinations.
Church ___________________________________
Date ______________
Number of Campers staying 4 hours or more _________
Number of Nights _________ Camping
Name of responsible person ___________________
Title ____________________________
Phone _________________________
Email address _________________________________________
Please highlight the above CAMPGROUND USE FORM, copy it and paste it on an email to Then fill in the information and send.
Each site can be improved by the assigned club. Re-grading or altering the soil must meet committee approval.
Any trees on your assigned lot that may be sited for removal to improve the lot must be tagged and approved by the committee before removal.
No permanent structures allowed. [ i.e. wood storage, tool shed etc.] This includes picnic tables and benches.
A fire pit can be constructed but no cinder blocks allowed. Field stone, catch basin block, or a metal ring is allowed. The pit will not exceed 42 inches in diameter. It must allow the tractor mower to maneuver around it.
Wood storage facilities will be available within a reasonable distance. Unused wood will be returned there after each event. No random piles on the sites.
Any site may be used by any club pending the absence of the assigned club and permission requested verbally or written from that club.
The Campground Committee reserves the right to police each site and call for reasonable corrections if necessary.
Observe the following when at the Grand Rapids Council campgrounds:
All garbage, tin cans, bottles, etc. must be taken with you when you leave.
Nothing may be thrown into the pond or on the ice! This means no sticks, logs, rocks, etc.
You may camp and build fires in any area except within 100 yard of the building and pond.
A 5 gallon bucket filled with water must be by your fire at all times.
Fires must be attended at all times. Bury and drowned fires before you leave.
No harm to live trees needlessly!
No unnecessary destroying of property! No chopping of standing trees, stepping on small trees, foolish digging, or making unnecessary fires.
Please observe the “No Trespassing” signs on our neighbor’s property to the North and South of our property. Use the West area for hiking.
Absolutely NO use of firearms or fireworks anywhere on the property (Air powered guns or rockets are permitted)
Absolutely NO hunting on Council property!
Absolutely NO paint-ball use on Council property!
No motorbikes, snowmobiles nor all-terrain vehicles on property. (Bicycles are permitted)
The outside toilets are for your use; please keep them clean and free of malicious damage. Do not dump garbage in them.
Close the gate when you leave and check that it is locked.
Amphitheater Hill